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10L Vertical Kneader Manufacturer | JCT Machinery

Author: JCT source: Datetime: 2024-05-29 13:43:58

What is a vertical kneader?

Vertical kneader is an industrial equipment specially used for mixing high-viscosity and high-elastic materials. It realizes efficient material kneading, mixing and homogenization through its unique double arm kneading paddle and vertical container design. Due to its excellent mixing effect and wide range of applications, vertical kneader plays an important role in many industrial fields.

vertical kneader

JCT Machinery independently design and manufacture the 10L vertical kneader.


Vertical Kneader Machine Structure

1. Vertical Container

The material is processed in a vertical container, which is usually made of stainless steel or other corrosion-resistant materials with high strength and wear resistance.

2. Double-arm Kneading Paddles

Vertical kneader is usually equipped with two sets of kneading paddles, which can be Z-shaped, spiral or other special designs, located inside the container and rotating along the vertical axis.

3. Drive System

The drive system usually includes a motor, a reducer and a transmission device to provide the power and speed required by the kneading paddles.

4. Heating / Cooling System

Some vertical kneaders are equipped with heating or cooling devices to control the temperature of the material to adapt to different process requirements.

5. Sealing System

In order to prevent material leakage, vertical kneader is equipped with a sealing device to ensure the sealing of the mixing process.

Technical Support: Magic Lamp