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About Vertical Screw Mixer | JCT Machinery

Author: JCT source: Datetime: 2024-05-31 08:50:06

The impellers of vertical screw mixer are usually of ribbon design, but the specific type and configuration may vary.


Blade Types of Vertical Screw Mixer

1. Single Screw Blade

  • Design : A single spiral ribbon blade that spirals up along the inner wall of vertical screw mixer.
  • Features : High mixing efficiency, suitable for light and medium density materials.
  • Application : Used to mix materials with high homogeneity such as powders and granules.

2. Double Screw Blade

  • Design : Two independent spiral ribbon blades, usually one spiraling upward and the other spiraling downward.
  • Features : Improve mixing efficiency and uniformity, suitable for materials with high density or easy to agglomerate.
  • Application : Widely used for mixing powders, granules and small amounts of liquids, especially mixtures that require high uniformity.

3. Multi Screw Blade

  • Design : Multiple spiral ribbon blades, which can be spiraled in the same or different directions as needed.
  • Features : Short mixing time, uniform effect, suitable for a variety of materials.
  • Application : Suitable for handling materials with complex mixing requirements, such as composite materials, during mixing, etc.

vertical screw mixer

Design Features of Vertical Screw Mixer Blades

1. Spiral Angle

The angle of the spiral ribbon can affect the lifting speed and mixing uniformity of the material. Usually, different spiral angles are selected according to the characteristics of the material.

2. Spiral Width

The width of the spiral ribbon determines the contact area of the material. Wide spiral ribbons are suitable for light materials, while narrow spiral ribbons are suitable for heavy materials.

3. Spiral Thickness

The thickness of spiral ribbon affects its durability and mixing efficiency. Thick spiral ribbons are suitable for high intensity mixing, and thin spiral ribbons are suitable for general mixing tasks.

4. Number of spiral ribbon layers

Single-layer spiral ribbons are suitable for general mixing tasks, and double-layer or multi-layer spiral ribbons are suitable for mixtures that require high uniformity.

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