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How to identify high-quality silicone glass glue

Author: JCT source: Datetime: 2020-10-23 10:07:42

1. Smell (applicable to acidic gum): acidic gum will contain a sour taste during volatilization due to its acetic acid content, but generally speaking, the better the quality, the lighter the acidity, and the worse the quality, the stronger the acidity (Because of the added acetic acid component); at the same time, the smell of good quality glue quickly disappears during the curing process, and the time for the sour smell of poor quality glue to volatilize is much longer.

2. Specific gloss: The gloss of different qualities is different after they are printed out. No matter what color the high-quality adhesives are cured, the glossiness is strong. Some of the low-quality adhesives have no glossiness after being printed, and some are lost after one or two months of curing luster.
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3. Check the particles: high-quality glass glue is a chemically synthesized material that has been fully and evenly stirred. The texture is fine and uniform, and it is smooth, smooth and shiny after sizing and curing. The worse the quality of the glass glue, the more particles and impurities can be seen. After the sizing and curing, the surface of the rubber strip cannot be smoother and smoother than the good quality glue.

4. Look at the bubbles: the main component of high-quality glass glue is silicone. The amount of other added materials is very small. The good stability of pure silicone is minimally affected by changes in external conditions during storage. It will not be mixed in the bottle when sizing. The phenomenon of "popping" and "popping" bubbles occurs when the air hits the glue. However, the ordinary quality silicone glue is not 100% silicone glue. The additives in the silica gel may have a chemical reaction with the PE soft glue of the glue bottle, causing the glue bottle to swell and increase. The air remaining in the space penetrates into the glue The pulp makes gaps, and when it is glued, it will emit a "pop, pop" bubble sound, which shortens the shelf life. What\'s more, a few manufacturers deliberately hit the bottom cap on the bottom of the bottle when filling the glue, and there is air left in the middle of the bottle, which greatly reduces the amount of glue. It is also inevitable that the naturally produced glue has bubbles.

5. Check the curing effect: after local sizing, the user should first check the surface drying time of the glass glue in combination with the instructions on the product packaging. If the time is too short or overtime, it means that the quality of the glass glue is problematic (of course, it should also be Consider the impact of environmental conditions); then to be cured (the curing time should also be noted by the manufacturer), try the hardness and elasticity of the glue by hand, too hard or too soft glue is not good glue; then the glue can be cut open The cross-section checks whether the curing effect inside and outside the glue is consistent.
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