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Let me introduce the pharmaceutical reactors for sale

Let me introduce the pharmaceutical reactors for sale

When we come to pharmaceutical reactors for sale, we can think about the quality of it, of course,pharmaceutical reactors is a kind of high efficient chemical mixing equipment,JCT reactor for sale is a good example.
Jul 26,2016
How about dispersion emulsion process in JCT?

How about dispersion emulsion process in JCT?

As for dispersion emulsion process, it has a common same process on emulsion and paint, but some of procedure are different in JCT.then, let's learn some common points with them.
Jul 25,2016
JCT parameter of paint dispersion machine

JCT parameter of paint dispersion machine

JCT paint dispersion machine is a kind of dispersing machine,as a paint dispersion machine manufacturer,we can provide complete choose for paint dispersion machine, then, let's me learn about parameter of paint dispersion machine.
Jul 25,2016
What is meaning of dispersing machine?

What is meaning of dispersing machine?

The dispersing machine is a chemical mixing machine,it adopts high-speed stirrer (disc-serrated stirrer),can form a strong local turbulence, has a strong emulsifying effect on prepared dispersing machine can be called high speed dispersing machine.
Jul 25,2016
How about industrial planetary mixer in JCT?

How about industrial planetary mixer in JCT?

The industrial planetary mixer is high efficient, multi-functional equipment combining reaction equipment. How about industrial planetary mixer in JCT? we can learn its characteristics.
Jul 23,2016
Structure characteristics of agitation tank

Structure characteristics of agitation tank

The agitation tank is main mixing equipment in chemical production,it can be designed into stainless steel agitation tank, carbon steel agitation tank or get request from our clients.
Jul 23,2016
How to operate the vacuum spiral dough kneader in JCT?

How to operate the vacuum spiral dough kneader in JCT?

The spiral dough kneader is high efficient mixing equipment for high viscosity materials. as a vacuum spiral dough kneader manufacturer, it's significant to show you how to operate the vacuum spiral dough kneader in production.
Jul 22,2016
Function of electric kneader mixer

Function of electric kneader mixer

The electric kneader mixer is a high efficient and professional chemical mixing equipment, its function is suitable for high viscosity sealants, silicone rubber, glass, plastic neutral acidic, chewing gum, bubble gum, batteries, inks, paints,dyes, pharmaceuticals, resins, plastics, rubber, cosmetics and other industries.
Jul 22,2016
What is a spiral mixer in JCT?

What is a spiral mixer in JCT?

JCT dough spiral mixers for sale is based on the U-type horizontal spiral ribbon mixer,it is applicable for mixing powder and high viscous materials. It is widely used in many industries, such as powder,putty, sand paste, pesticide, food and so on.
Jul 22,2016